Am J Psychiatry :轻型颅脑外伤后继发成瘾障碍风险随时间变化

2013-04-29 Am J Psychiatry 医学论坛网

  刊登于《美国精神病学杂志》2013年第四期的一项前瞻性队列研究发现,轻型颅脑外伤(TBI)后继发成瘾障碍的风险随时间延续呈先增高后降低的趋势。轻型TBI组与损伤程度相似的非轻型TBI对照组相较,发生特定成瘾障碍的风险较高,酒精依赖、尼古丁依赖及非依赖型的药物或酒精滥用风险显著增加,但风险随时间推移呈持续降低趋势。   军事人员暴露在较高的TBI风险中,这种风险可能是由战斗或其他原因引起的。关






Risk for Addiction-Related Disorders Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in a Large Cohort of Active-Duty U.S. Airmen
Military personnel are at increased risk for traumatic brain injury (TBI) from combat and noncombat exposures. The sequelae of moderate to severe TBI are well described, but little is known regarding long-term performance decrements associated with mild TBI. Furthermore, while alcohol and drug use are well known to increase risk for TBI, little is known regarding the reverse pattern. The authors sought to assess possible associations between mild TBI and addiction-related disorders in active-duty U.S. military personnel.
A historical prospective study was conducted using electronically recorded demographic, medical, and military data for more than a half million active-duty U.S. Air Force service members. Cases were identified by ICD-9-CM codes considered by an expert panel to be indicative of mild TBI. Outcomes included ICD-9-CM diagnoses of selected addiction-related disorders. Cox proportional hazards modeling was used to calculate hazard ratios while controlling for varying lengths of follow-up and potential confounding variables.
Airmen with mild TBI were at increased risk for certain addiction-related disorders compared with a similarly injured non-mild TBI comparison group. Hazards for alcohol dependence, nicotine dependence, and nondependent abuse of drugs or alcohol were significantly elevated, with a consistent decrease over time.
A novel finding of this study was the initial increased risk for addiction-related disorders that decreased with time, thus eroding war fighter performance in a military population. Moreover, these results suggest that mild TBI is distinguished from moderate to severe TBI in terms of timing of the risk, indicating that there is a need for screening and prevention of addiction-related disorders in mild TBI. Screening may be warranted in military troops as well as civilians at both short- and long-term milestones following mild TBI.

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    2014-04-07 feifers