
2011-11-09 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

近日,麻省理工大学E. Alm领导的研究组发现,全世界2,235组细菌基因组中的10,000个基因,正以"水平基因转移(HGT)"的方式自由流动。这说明所有细菌在一个由全世界细菌基因组组成的大网络上频繁地交换着遗传物质。这一研究成果发表在10月30号的网络版杂志《自然》上。 科学家很早就知道HGT,它是细菌的一种很古老的行为--来自不同支系的细菌通过交换,获得从父母那里得不到的遗传信息。如果交换

近日,麻省理工大学E. Alm领导的研究组发现,全世界2,235组细菌基因组中的10,000个基因,正以"水平基因转移(HGT)"的方式自由流动。这说明所有细菌在一个由全世界细菌基因组组成的大网络上频繁地交换着遗传物质。这一研究成果发表在10月30号的网络版杂志《自然》上。


有时候这对人类构成威胁,比如获得抗药性基因的细菌("超级细菌(superbugs)")。他们此次发现了一个抗药性的基因出现在人类共生菌的六成的基因转移中。这种抗药性基因可能是在工业化农业的抗生素滥用中产生的。牲畜共生菌和人类共生菌中有42个相同的抗药性基因,也就是说这两类细菌共享一个基因库,尽管10亿年的进化早该让牛身上的细菌和人身上的细菌分道扬镳。向动物的食物中加入预防疾病的抗生素,可以促进其生长,防止高密度养殖的牲畜和家禽内部的疾病传播。虽然许多欧洲国家已经明令禁止,但在美国还很普遍。根据联邦药物管理局(the Federal Drug Administration)的报告,2009年在美国销售的3.3千万磅抗生素中80%用于农业,里面就包括通常作为人类药物的青霉素,四环素。


Alm的研究组还发现,同一寄主的细菌之间,HGT发生更频繁。具有相同的氧气耐受力或相同的致病性,使它们占据相同的环境生态位,这比亲缘关系相近或地理位置相近更能决定一个转移基因是否能融入新的细菌基因组中。 研究组根据这个准则寻找能引起脑膜炎和其他疾病的基因,希望发现转移和编码这些特征的基因,未来药物治疗可能将以此为靶向。

美国科罗拉多大学的R. Knight说,"这是一项有趣的工作,完整基因组序列的数据库不断扩大,再配合大量细致的环境特征数据,就可能发现大尺度的进化模式,那时我们就能以前所未有的视角来统观地球上的所有微生物。"


Ecology drives a global network of gene exchange connecting the human microbiome

Chris S. Smillie, Mark B. Smith, Jonathan Friedman, Otto X. Cordero, Lawrence A. David& Eric J. Alm

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), the acquisition of genetic material from non-parental lineages, is known to be important in bacterial evolution. In particular, HGT provides rapid access to genetic innovations, allowing traits such as virulence, antibiotic resistance and xenobiotic metabolism to spread through the human microbiome. Recent anecdotal studies providing snapshots of active gene flow on the human body have highlighted the need to determine the frequency of such recent transfers and the forces that govern these events. Here we report the discovery and characterization of a vast, human-associated network of gene exchange, large enough to directly compare the principal forces shaping HGT. We show that this network of 10,770 unique, recently transferred (more than 99% nucleotide identity) genes found in 2,235 full bacterial genomes, is shaped principally by ecology rather than geography or phylogeny, with most gene exchange occurring between isolates from ecologically similar, but geographically separated, environments. For example, we observe 25-fold more HGT between human-associated bacteria than among ecologically diverse non-human isolates (P = 3.0?×?10(-270)). We show that within the human microbiome this ecological architecture continues across multiple spatial scales, functional classes and ecological niches with transfer further enriched among bacteria that inhabit the same body site, have the same oxygen tolerance or have the same ability to cause disease. This structure offers a window into the molecular traits that define ecological niches, insight that we use to uncover sources of antibiotic resistance and identify genes associated with the pathology of meningitis and other diseases.

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    2012-09-10 liye789132251



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