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High school for chimps

May 7, 2024

High school for chimps

Tool use is considered a driving force behind the evolution of brain expansion and prolonged juvenile dependency in the hominin lineage. A study of stick tool use in wild chimpanzees, by Mathieu Malherbe, Roman Wittig and colleagues, reveals a prolonged time for cognitive assimilation, suggesting selection pressure that favors retention of learning capacities into adulthood.

Image credit: Liran Samuni

PLOS Biologue

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Research Article

Katnal2, ependymal cilia and autism

Mutations in the microtubule regulatory protein Katnal2 have been linked to autism. Ryeonghwa Kang, Kyungdeok Kim, Yewon Jung, Eunjoon Kim and co-workers find that loss of Katnal2 in mice leads to autism-related phenotypes, which are driven in part by altered ciliary function in the lateral ventricles.

Image credit: pbio.3002596

Katnal2, ependymal cilia and autism

Recently Published Articles

Current Issue

Current Issue April 2024


Research Article

Secretion in Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasma gondii relies on specialized secretory organelles for invasion and host cell manipulation. Justin Quan, Peter Bradley and co-authors characterize all Tre2-Bub2-Cdc16 (TBC) domain-containing proteins in T. gondii, identifying TBC9 as an essential regulator of the GTPase Rab2 that controls intracellular vesicular trafficking.

Image credit: pbio.3002634

Secretion in Toxoplasma gondii


Research Article

An evolutionary atlas of plant plastid and mitochondrial proteins

Parth Raval, Alexander MacLeod and Sven Gould trace the evolutionary history of plant plastid and mitochondrial proteomes, revealing that major changes in organelle biology may have facilitated plant diversification and the emergence of major plant lineages such as the land plants.


Image credit: pbio.3002608

An evolutionary atlas of plant plastid and mitochondrial proteins


Methods and Resources

Cartography of hippocampal transsynaptic complexes

Teneurins and latrophilins are cell adhesion molecules that form a transsynaptic complex implicated in hippocampal circuit assembly. Kif Liakath-Ali, Rebecca Refaee and Thomas Südhof provide a spatiotemporal map of teneurin and latrophilin expression in the hippocampus of mice during early development.

Cartography of hippocampal transsynaptic complexes

Image credit: pbio.3002599


Methods and Resources

The NCBI Comparative Genome Viewer

Commonly used genome browsers only show one genome assembly at a time and cannot show comparisons between multiple genomes. Sanjida Rangwala, Valerie Schneider and colleagues develop the Comparative Genome Viewer (CGV), a new visualization tool that aids in the pairwise comparison of whole-genome eukaryotic assembly-assembly alignments.

The NCBI Comparative Genome Viewer

Image credit: pbio.3002405


Research Article

Metabolic changes in insect immunity

Michalina Kazek, Lenka Chodáková, Tomáš Doležal and co-workers characterize the metabolic changes underlying immune cell activation in infected Drosophila larvae, showing that increases in glucose and trehalose uptake, and flux through the cyclic pentose phosphate pathway, are important for both effective immune responses and host protection.

Metabolic changes in insect immunity

Image credit: Lenka Chodáková


Unsolved Mystery

How do endosymbionts work with so few genes?

This Unsolved Mystery article explores how genome reduction alters endosymbiont biology and highlights a ‘tipping point’ where the loss of the ability to build a cell envelope coincides with a marked erosion of translation-related genes.

How do endosymbionts work with so few genes?

Image credit: pbio.3002577



Symbiosis: In search of a deeper understanding

Thomas Richards and Nancy Moran discuss our new collection of articles exploring emerging themes in symbiosis research, as researchers exploit modern research tools and new models to unravel how symbiotic interactions function and evolve.

Symbiosis: In search of a deeper understanding

Image credit: Estelle Kilias



Fungal holobionts to inform synthetic endosymbioses

Rhizopus microsporus is a fungal holobiont, harboring bacterial and viral endosymbionts. Laila Partida-Martínez explores how these microbial allies increase pathogenicity and defense and control reproduction in the fungus.

Fungal holobionts to inform synthetic endosymbioses

Image credit: pbio.3002587



Fitness trade-offs and the origins of endosymbiosis

Endosymbiosis is common and has played an important role in the evolution of complex life. Michael Brockhurst, Duncan Cameron and Andrew Beckerman explore the theory and experimental evidence for trade-offs in the early-stage evolution of endosymbiosis.

Fitness trade-offs and the origins of endosymbiosis

Image credit: pbio.3002580

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