
2012-12-20 幻影2007 互联网

脑部血管内皮细胞之间的相互连接非常紧密,这是制药产业在研发神经系统疾病新药过程中难以逾越的障碍之一。血脑屏障在阻止对具有潜在危害的有毒物质进入脑内的同时也将小分子或大分子药物拒之脑外。 哥伦比亚大学大脑研究所的WilliamPartridge博士开发出了一种能使药物分子穿过血脑屏障的方法,此项研究成果引起了伯林格因格海姆风投基金、赛尔公司、泰克达风投有限公司和三井全球投资有限公司的投资兴趣,其中











Reengineering Biopharmaceuticals for Targeted Delivery Across the Blood–Brain Barrier

William M. Pardridge*, Ruben J. Boado*, †

Recombinant protein therapeutics cannot enter brain drug development because these large molecule drugs do not cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB). However, recombinant proteins can be reengineered as BBB-penetrating IgG fusion proteins, where the IgG part is a genetically engineered monoclonal antibody (MAb) against an endogenous BBB receptor, such as the human insulin receptor (HIR) or the transferrin receptor (TfR). The IgG binds the endogenous insulin receptor or TfR to trigger transport across the BBB and acts as a molecular Trojan horse (MTH) to ferry into brain the fused protein therapeutic. The most potent MTH to date is a MAb against the HIR, designated the HIRMAb, which is active in humans and Old World primates, such as the Rhesus monkey. There is no known MAb against the mouse insulin receptor. For drug delivery in the mouse, protein therapeutics are fused to a chimeric MAb against the mouse TfR, designated the cTfRMAb. The HIRMAb or cTfRMAb Trojan horses have been engineered and expressed as fusion proteins with multiple classes of protein therapeutics, including lysosomal enzymes, neurotrophins, decoy receptors, single chain Fv therapeutic antibodies, and avidin. The pharmacokinetic (PK) properties of the IgG fusion proteins differ from that of typical MAb drugs and resemble the PK profiles of small molecules due to rapid uptake by peripheral tissues, as well as brain. The brain uptake of the IgG fusion proteins, 2–3% of injected dose/brain, is comparable to the brain uptake of small molecules. The IgG fusion proteins have been administered chronically in mouse models, and the immune response is low titer and has no effect on the fusion protein clearance from blood or brain uptake in vivo. The BBB MTH technology enables the reengineering of a wide spectrum of recombinant protein therapeutics for targeted drug delivery to the brain.

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