2009 NICE 对有抑郁症与慢性健康问题成年人的治疗和管理指南

2009-11-01 英国国家卫生与临床优化研究所 Int J Nurs Stud. 2009 Nov;46(11):1411-4.


2009 NICE 对有抑郁症与慢性健康问题成年人的治疗和管理指南


Depression in adults with a chronic physical health problem Treatment and management




This guideline is published alongside ‘Depression: the treatment and management of depression in adults (update)’ (NICE clinical guideline 90), which makes recommendations on the identification, treatment and management of depression in adults aged 18 years and older, in primary and secondary care.This guideline (and CG90) update recommendations made in NICE technology appraisal guidance 97 for the treatment of depression only. The guidance in TA97 remains unchanged for the use of CCBT in the treatment of panic and phobia and obsessive compulsive disorder.

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