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Use of Indocyanine Green Imaging for Perforator Identification in Preexpanded Brachial Artery Perforator Flaps

期刊: FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY, 2020; 36 (5)

The tissues of the medial arm as a donor site for perforator flap design have several advantages. However, they are relatively underused with limited ......

Morphological Classification of the Zygomatic Regions in Young Chinese Han Males and Females Based on a Simulated Moire Pattern

期刊: FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY, 2020; 36 (3)

The complex curved contours of the zygomatic regions are difficult to analyze. Therefore, a better evaluation medium must be developed. We aimed to ex......

A Novel Endoscopic Forehead Lift Technique for Patients with Upper Facial Wrinkles: Morphometric Evaluation and Patient-Reported Outcome using FACE-Q Scales

期刊: FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY, 2020; 36 (3)

Chinese patients more frequently complain of forehead wrinkles than eyebrow and upper eyelid ptosis. Besides the commonly used brow-lifting technique,......

Reconstruction of Tragus and External Auditory Meatus using Remnant Auricle during Microtia Reconstruction

期刊: FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY, 2018; 34 (2)

This article investigates an effective method with which to reconstruct the tragus and external auditory meatus for microtia reconstruction. The exter......


Ablative Fractional CO (2) Laser for Facial Atrophic Acne Scars

期刊: FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY, 2018; 34 (2)

Ablative fractional carbon dioxide laser resurfacing is a well-established treatment for acne scars. However, there are limited consensus and guidelin......


Comprehensive Surgical Strategies for the Management of Pachydermoperiostosis

期刊: FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY, 2018; 34 (3)

The cosmetic and functional deformities induced by thickened folds and furrows are the main complaints of patients in pachydermoperiostosis (PDP). How......


Mandibular Rim Trilogy with Botulinum Toxin Injection: Reduction, Projection, and Lift

期刊: FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY, 2017; 33 (1)

"Onabotulinum toxin A (Botox) revolution" has brought the fundamental change in the facial rejuvenation as well as the concept of microinjection. The ......


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