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护理<font color="red">英语</font>:糖尿病临床护理常用<font color="red">英语</font>对话



网络 - 英语对话 - 2020-12-19

护理<font color="red">英语</font>:肿瘤化疗和放疗中的护理<font color="red">英语</font>对话



网络 - 英语对话 - 2020-12-19


  At the Registration Office  对话3  Dialogue Three  护士:早上好!  Nurse: Good morning.  病人:你好!  Patient: Good morning.  护士:请问哪里不舒服?  Nurse: What seems to be the problem?  病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。  Patient: I'm runnin

MedSci原创 - 挂号,英语 - 2013-11-29

医院英语: 挂号  

医院英语: 挂号  N: Do you want to see a doctor?   P: Yes.  N: Have you ever been here before?  

医院,英语,挂号 - 2010-07-03


儿科学Pediatrics儿童保健Child care疾病防治Disease prevention营养基础Basal nutrition婴儿喂养Infants’ feeding 营养不良Malnutrition小儿肥胖obesity in Childhood解剖Anatomy生理生化Physiology and biochemistry营养代谢Nutrition and Metabolism免疫I

儿科 - 2010-07-03


1、一般病情 He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. 他觉得头痛、恶心和想吐。 He is under the weather. 他不舒服,生病了。 He began to feel unusually tired. 他感到反常的疲倦? He feels light-headed. 他觉得头晕。 She has been shut-in for a few

就诊 - 2010-07-03


护士:早上好!   Nurse: Good morning.   病人:你好!   Patient: Good morning.   护士:请问哪里不舒服?   Nurse: What seems to be the problem?   病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。   Patient: Im running a high fever and feeling terrib

英语 - 2010-07-03


Ankle: Achilles Tendonitis 跟腱炎 Ankle: Ruptured Achilles Tendon 跟腱破裂 Ankle: Sprain 踝部扭伤 Ankle Fracture 踝部骨折 Ankylosing Spondylitis 关节黏连脊椎炎 Aseptic Necrosis 无菌的骨疽 Back Pain: Approach to Management 怎样处理背

骨科 - 2010-07-03


PATIENT HISTORY  病 史  A detailed patient history and physical exam form the foundation of patient evaluation and vital patient data that enables efficient, quality patient rounds.  一份详细的病史和体检是评估患

英语阅读 - 2010-07-07


医院常用英语:服药   病人:早上好,大夫。   Patient: Good morning, doctor.   药剂师:早上好,女士。请问有什么需要我帮忙的吗?   

医院 - 2010-07-03


Telephone Appointment 对话 1: (为自己预约) Dialogue One (make an appointment with the doctor for oneself) 值班护士:早上好,这里是约翰逊大夫办公室。有什么需要帮忙的吗? Clerk: Good morning. This is Doctor Johnson's office. What can I

MedSci原创 - 电话预约,英语 - 2012-12-11


一、投稿信 1. Dear Dr. Defendi ML: I am sending a manuscript entitled “” by – which I should like to submit for possible publication in the journal of - .Yours sincerely2. Dear Dr. A: Enclosed is a manu

SCI,投稿 - 2011-10-16


InsomniaCharles E. Henley    失  眠(卡劳尔?布赖宁)Insomnia is more than just being unable to fall asleep. It is a subjective condition of insufficient or nonrestorative sleep despite an ad

MedSci原创 - 英语双语 - 2012-12-11


应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学技术 Medical Technology 细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine 生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia 进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery 海洋生物学 Marine Biology 口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental S

学科 - 2010-07-03


医生护士英语会话:内科 N: Good morning. P: Good morning. N: What seems to be the problem?

MedSci原创 - 会话,英语 - 2012-12-11
