Journal of Renal Care

出版年份:暂无数据 年文章数:354 投稿命中率: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看

出版周期:Quarterly 自引率:暂无数据 审稿周期: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看



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The Journal of Renal Care (JORC), formally EDTNA/ERCA Journal, is the official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Nursing Association/European Renal Care Association (EDTNA/ERCA).


Aims and Scope

The Journal of Renal Care (JORC), formally EDTNA/ERCA Journal, is the official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Nursing Association/European Renal Care Association (EDTNA/ERCA).

The Journal of Renal Care is an international peer-reviewed journal for the multi-professional health care team caring for people with kidney disease and those who research this specialised area of health care. Kidney disease is a chronic illness with four basic treatments: haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis conservative management and transplantation, which includes emptive transplantation, living donor & cadavaric transplantation. The continuous world-wide increase of people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) means that research and shared knowledge into the causes and treatment is vital to delay the progression of CKD and to improve treatments and the care given. 

The Journal of Renal Care is an important journal for all health-care professionals working in this and associated conditions, such as diabetes and cardio-vascular disease amongst others.  It covers the trajectory of the disease from the first diagnosis to palliative care and includes acute renal injury.  The Journal of Renal Care accepts that kidney disease affects not only the patients but also their families and significant others and provides a forum for both the psycho-social and physiological aspects of the disease.

The focus of the Journal of Renal Care is to integrate theory and practice in the care of people with CKD and their families. It seeks to report research into CKD and advance evidence based practice. The Journal of Renal Care publishes original research articles, literature reviews, case reports, case studies, policy reports, letters to the Editor, book reviews, and analyses and descriptions of professional practice initiatives in CKD and associated topics.  It seeks to promote content that is relevant to and reflective of the growing diversity of the renal community. The journal also supports the publication of local issues, when these are of international interest.

Journal of Renal Care aims to:

  • Provide a forum for discussion and information exchange of issues relevant to CKD, its treatment and care

  • To promote knowledge about CKD and its relationship to other illnesses through increased communications across the whole spectrum of health care.

  • Support research initiatives and publish results.

  • Support the integration of theory and practice across the multi-professional health spectrum. 

  • Promote quality improvement and best practice in care

  • Inform critical discussion about CKD, its care and treatment.

  • Promote chronic illness with CKD as an area of inquiry.

We welcome articles that promote improvement in clinical practice and research. Criteria for publication include: originality, relevance, reader appeal and controversy.  Further information can be found in the Journal of Renal Care author guidelines.


Reaches all members of the EDTNA/ERCA and key institutions


renal, care, nursing, urology. dialysis, transplant, EDTNA, ERCA, Haemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, Ultra/Filtration, Intradialytic, Parenteral, Vascular Access, Chronic Kidney Disease, Palliative care, Acute renal failure, Osmosis, plasmapheresis, Treatment outcomes, Fluid removal, Immunosuppression, Intravenous iron/fluids, Infection, Catheters, Rejection , haemoglobin, Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents, proteinuria

Abstracting and Indexing Information

  • British Nursing Database (ProQuest)
  • CINAHL: Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (EBSCO Publishing)
  • Current Contents: Clinical Medicine (Clarivate Analytics)
  • Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences (Clarivate Analytics)
  • Health & Medical Collection (ProQuest)
  • Health Research Premium Collection (ProQuest)
  • Hospital Premium Collection (ProQuest)
  • MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)
  • ProQuest Central (ProQuest)
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics)
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
  • Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)